Sunday, May 24, 2009

Who We Are In Christ

Speaking as someone who struggled with her self esteem for most of her life, the need to know how Jesus sees me is even more important. You see, the enemy Satan would love to not only see me, but countless others to believe his lies that we are nothing, that we are worthless no body's who have no purpose, no future, and we might as well just suffer, and just give up.

This can't be further from the truth. God made us, mankind in His image ( Genesis 1:26 ). And as I always say "He don't make junk". For a long time I didn't understand why I was the way I am. What really made me tick, why am I so sensitive, why do I long to be loved so much?

I finally got the answer when my Care Pastor had me take a test called the" Arno Profile System". It's a test that helps a person see what their temperament is, so they can get their needs met. Whether that need be from ones self, others, and even God Himself. It was an 8 minute test with about fifty or so questions. It's a first response test meaning you circle what you first response is to a question. After it's finished it goes to some one for evaluation, and they then figure out all your temperament types in three different areas,1.Inclusion(Social), 2. Control, 3. Affection. Just google out Arno profile on your search engine and you can find out more about this amazing test. I recommend that everyone take this test. So that you can find out what your needs are and how to meet them.

After I found out the results of my test, everything started to make since. Why I longed so many years for affection, even though I was very loved by my family and friends I still couldn't get enough. That's because my strongest need is in affection. I'm in the middle as far as expressing affection, but what I want is off the charts in the test. Because of this it is very important that I go to my Lord Jesus to meet that need where others can't. And truthfully it's a balance of family, friends, and my Jesus.

For many years it was hard for me to believe that God loved me and accepted me. Even after I came back to the Lord, it took many years for me just to believe that He really does love me, and He wants me to know who I am in Christ, and own it for myself by faith. When I heard Him call me " My Cathy " at the Cleansing Stream Retreat I knew once and for all that I really am His. So with that I am going to post a list that speaks of who we are in Christ once we are saved. I encourage you all to read this daily if needed in order to get God's word inside you. I also suggest that you read it out loud so you can hear the words. If read aloud often enough you will begin to believe His word, How much He loves you and how He sees you ---Believer

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